Those Love Pangs, also known as The Rival Mashers, is an American silent comedy film. It was released in 1914 produced by Keystone Studios starring Charlie Chaplin and Chester Conklin with the participation of Cecile Arnold, Vivian Edwards and Helen Carruthers. Cast Charles Chaplin - Masher Chester Conklin - Rival Cecile Arnold - Blonde girl Vivian Edwards - Brunette girl Helen Carruthers - Landlady
Those Love Pangs, also known as The Rival Mashers, is an American silent comedy film. It was released in 1914 produced by Keystone Studios starring Charlie Chaplin and Chester Conklin with the participation of Cecile Arnold, Vivian Edwards and Helen Carruthers. Cast Charles Chaplin - Masher Chester Conklin - Rival Cecile Arnold - Blonde girl Vivian Edwards - Brunette girl Helen Carruthers - Landlady