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Max Linder in his first Los Angeles made comedy "Max in a Taxi" (L.A. Times-Ad., Apr.29, 1917). Cast: Max Linder, Marthe Mansfield, Mathilde Comont Production company: Essanay; Released: April 23, 1917 We see Max, who has wasted his substance, turned out of house and home. His dress suit proves to be an armor against hunger. Like a true knight, he finds a dragon. It's the butler at the door of a fashionable house where there is a party, but he wins his way in to the princess, and, what is better, a table set with cake. The princess likes him and when next day, after spending his only two cents to find a "help wanted" ad, he gets a Job as chauffeur of a taxi he can't drive. The instructor leaves him in it and the princess and her aunt come along. They ask him to take them, of course. There is more funny antics, but the aunt (she's a good scout) is able to drive and Max rides behind with the princess. They stop in front of her house and leave Max, who can't get away. There is plenty of fun left for next morning, when they find Max still there. Hanford C. Judson. (Moving Picture World, May 5, 1917)
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