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Pathe comedy by and with Max Linder. UK title: "Max misses another good chance" released Jan. 25, 1911 in the UK and Mar. 20, 1911 in the US. "This does not mean that Max is filled with egotistical pride, but that he gets involved in a few sheets of flypaper on the way to dine with his lady. He gets stuck up for fair in trying to extricate his hands, feet and person from plates, tumblers, napkins and tablecloths, and at last lands on top of a baker's man and gets even more adhesive material. Max, the genial gentleman, rises above all this debris and impossible situations and makes one amused in spite of himself." (The New York Dramatic Mirror, Mar. 29, 1911) Note: Again the titel of this print gives the wrong date. Although there may well have been an earlier version with a similar plot (a number of films, which Max Linder made between 1905 and 1908, are still unidentified) but it is quite clear that this particular one was made in 1910.
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