Boys to Board is the 11th Our Gang short subject comedy released. The Our Gang series (later known as "The Little Rascals") was created by Hal Roach in 1922, and continued production until 1944. The Gang Joe Cobb as Joe Jackie Condon as Jackie Mickey Daniels as Mickey Jack Davis as Jack Allen Hoskins as Farina Ernie Morrison as Ernie 'Sunshine Sammy' Andy Samuel as Andy
Boys to Board is the 11th Our Gang short subject comedy released. The Our Gang series (later known as "The Little Rascals") was created by Hal Roach in 1922, and continued production until 1944. The Gang Joe Cobb as Joe Jackie Condon as Jackie Mickey Daniels as Mickey Jack Davis as Jack Allen Hoskins as Farina Ernie Morrison as Ernie 'Sunshine Sammy' Andy Samuel as Andy